Monday, March 28, 2011


I'm SOO excited!  Last Friday I hit the big 3-0!  I know, I thought I was older...juuuuuuust kidding!  What I did was hit the big 30 lbs off...finally...broke through the plateau and hit it!  Who knew I just had to exercise more?  ;-)  I battened down the hatches, reeled in the diet, kicked up the exercise, and BAM!  Here I am.

So, now I really do get to order my 1/2 way there reward.  I had started pondering what I would get several weeks back when it looked like it was right around the corner.  Took a bit longer than I thought it would.

 Oh well!  I'm happy!  Especially happy because I also know, that even though I wasn't dropping on the scale, I was dropping in inches.  About a month ago I tried on some very coveted Banana Republic black trousers that I haven't been able to wear in about 3 years.  They were tight, barely buttonable, and because of that, gave me a horrible looking pooch (ya know what I'm talking about), they were very tight in the thighs and rear end.  Definitely un-wearable, even with a longer top.  Soooooooo...I tried them on Thursday because I started going through all of my clothes and guess what?!  Yup! They slid right on, and I could even grasp fabric in the thighs...nice and roomy!  YIPPEE!  Even though that scale had barely budged, I went down in size...Exercise really does work!  (Duh...)

So now, onto ordering my special treat.  It's something Springy-feeling, something fashionable that will always fit no matter my size.  And definitely something I would never just get for myself, so it feels a little luxurious.  And it's not something for the kitchen, tho...I also have to order a looooooooooooong list of stuff for that project, which is going to be a serious chunk of change.

My largest-you-can-buy Whitehaus Fireclay Double Bowl Farmhouse Sink is going to ROCK!  It's definitely fashionable, and luxurious...but it's season-less...

Makes me **smile** just thinking about it...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Painting is the FUN part!

I spent the day with DH (dear husband) doing some more prep work on the walls in my son's bedroom.  The walls were previously wallpapered, and now are in some rough shape!  So it's taking a bit of time to ready them for the paint.  Not the best way to spend a day, necessarily, was fun to be doing some work on the house again!  It's been awhile.  We're fortunate to be able to hire a lot of it out.  But for years we did most all of it ourselves, and it was fun to re-visit those times!  In fact, there is a certain joy in looking back at our early years, how little we had to work with, and how much fun it was to be efficient with what we had.  I look back at the old pictures, and remember how much I labored in our first house, painting, repairing,, I don't have as much time, having 4 kiddos and a world of busy-ness!  Sometimes keeping up with everything that needs to get done around here seems like a chore.  I look back on our 10 years in the house and am amazed at how much we've accomplished.  Sometimes, I look at the projects I've done, and I can't believe I did them!  I used to be MUCH more ambitious...!

I have a friend down the street who reminds me A LOT of the younger me.  She has talent for decorating, and making unusual use of different items, and enjoying the thrill of the hunt: finding a great deal at a garage sale, or Goodwill, and making it her own...I do miss those days...I really have no use for them anymore, because I've reached the point where I don't need to acquire any more stuff.  And I have the money to buy things already done.  Which is where I always strove to be!  I'm in my dream house, with the money to fix it up, and the money to furnish it...incredibly blessed!  But I love looking back at the days when my creativity really blossomed, and most everything I used had my own mark on it.  Sewing curtains, recovering chairs, painting furniture...yup, it was fun!  I hope my own kids get to have fun doing the same thing someday.

So, off to sand down the walls...and to relish the good feelings that come from doing the work yourself!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I think I did it!  I think I did it!  The scale FINALLY budged today...I may have broken the plateau.  I kicked up my workouts last week, have reigned the diet back in and voila! Having to break through a plateau is frustrating and challenging, and so I really am hopeful that I DID IT! 

The meat fast is going well.  No cravings for it at all.  I am loving my new favorite lunch, which I am alternating every other day or meal with a Spring Mix/Spinach Salad and canned salmon.  Salmon can rev the metabolism, or so says Dr. Nicholas Perricone, and I swear it's true! When I'm eating it regularly, my body runs hot.  Plus, my skin looks amazing, so that's a plus!  A squeeze of lemon, topped with ground pepper and a bit of salt, then tossed with the greens...what you have there is a very Mediterranean tasting, light lunch!  MMMMMM!  But look now, I digressed.  The original lunch I was talking about is this:


It's a whole wheat sandwich thin, split in 1/2 and toasted, then topped with some Laughing Cow cheese, roasted vegetables (red and yellow bell peppers, eggplant, zucchini, red onions, garlic, olive oil) and ground pepper and salt.  SO satisfying, and absolutely one of the best things I've ever tasted.  I'm using Macaroni Grill's roasted vegetables for now, until I get a kitchen again.

Which brings me to...

We now have the shingles on the roof, and the insulation going in!  Woo Hoo! It's about time, huh?

The weather is beautiful, and I hope it keeps up, because there is A LOT of work to get done!

Off for some yummy deliciousness and to do a few errands before picking up the kids and starting the madness!  (You mommies know what I'm talking about)!


Friday, March 11, 2011

I've got Spring in my step

The sun is shining, the mid 40's weather is here for awhile...I know we will get more snow, but I'm willing to bet the frigid cold weather is gone! The birds are singin' and for the first time in months, the street in front of my house is free from ice and ruts!  Woo Hoo! 

It inspired me to push myself in my workout today.  I've thought about doing a 1/2 marathon to celebrate in my 40th year, but the thought of physically pushing's just something I've never done.  So, thought I would try it this morning.  Usually, I alternate walking and running every 5 minutes for about 40 minutes.  I end up going about 3miles.  Today, I ran 2 of the 3 miles straight, and am proud of that accomplishment!  A decision remains.  There are 2 half marathons in the state in September; might be fun to work towards that goal.

So, we did it.  I had the kids stand in a circle with me this morning, put their hand on the shoulder of the person next to them, and we all said a blessing for each other.  This first time, I lead them in it, and they had those goofy smiles that say they think their mom is half nuts, but they really like that I make them do these sorts of things.  :-)  And they all leaned in for their blessing before leaving the car.  I'm proud of myself for taking these steps, albeit small ones, to show my love for them in part by blessing them.  I have felt lately that between these four it seems to be so easy to launch into yelling, fighting, mean words, etc...when someone is unhappy or has hurt feelings.  So!  I hope this helps.  I believe it will!  Plus, it is so important to express our spirituality in the good times, as well as the bad. 

I decided to go meatless for Lent, too!  Let me tell ya, Gabe had some leftover prime rib last night for dinner, and I was so tempted!  I thought, 'One little bite doesn't count' and almost reached for one, and then I was like, 'Nope, that's what this is all about!'  I will be interested to see how my body responds.  I like the idea of a mostly plant based diet, anyway, and would love to always be that way. But man, I do love my prime rib! 

Today I am finishing taking the wallpaper off the walls in Gabe's room.  Tomorrow, we will patch and ready for painting!  He's so excited. 

The Girls have game night at the school tonight for middle that school! 

And I'm just SO thankful Friday is here!  I'm ready to pull out the spring decorations this weekend! Brighten, lighten, and feel re-newed. 

Spring is in air, on my mind, and in my step!  Yay!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Sacrificial Buffalo Burger

When I grew up, the Lenten season was all about sacrifice.  Every day we fasted, which meant meat only once a day, and small meals.  Our family didn't eat meat on Fridays year round already, but Fridays during Lent were a treat, because after doing the Stations of the Cross, we generally got to go out for dinner, usually to Burger King for a fish sandwich, or to Skippers, for fish and chips! We also went to church and did devotions on Wednesdays during Lent, and also on Sunday nights.  It was a lot of church!  :-)

We also individually each gave up something.  Sometimes, we did it as a family.  One year, we gave up Television, and it didn't reappear for several years!  Most of the time I gave up candy, or chocolate...typical kid things to 'sacrifice.'

As I entered Adulthood, I really took on the notion that I didn't like the 'giving up' idea, but instead, adding something in.  Most of the time it was adding in more prayer.  Sometimes adding in more vegetables.  (Hah!) 

This year, I've decided that giving something up really does have some substance.  Perhaps it's a popular thing to do because it really works.  In fact, I think that it really does make more sense that in giving something up, you are challenged to redirect your thoughts more often! And isn't that part of what Lent is all about?  Returning our thoughts to God?

As a family, we're giving up soda.  There has been far too much soda consumption going on with the absence of a kitchen and more eating out.  It used to be a treat, but it's become the norm, only because we are in restaurants more, which also used to be a treat, but has become the norm!  (Will be soo nice to have a kitchen again)! I also talked to the kiddos on the way to school this morning about spending a few minutes in family prayer before we head out the door in the morning. 
I started doing individual blessings upon each of them in the morning, right before they get out of the car to go into the school, about a month ago.  Yesterday, they were in a hurry and I almost forgot, but Rafe stuck his head in front of me and said, "God bless you, Mama!"  And it reminded me!  (So stinkin' cute, that one)!

I am giving up using bad words when I'm angry.  Not terrible about it, but need to be better.  Especially when I hear my sweet child say something when she's angry that doesn't make me particularly pround :)

I'm also giving up meat.  Turning to a more vegetarian diet, which is much easier with the sun shining and spring in the air, by the way! This was a decision I normally would've taken more time with, but I decided, what the heck?  I eat non-meat meals quite often, anyway.  It's not a big deal.  I've been inspired by others I know who are doing similar things...and I'm excited to see how my body will respond!  Giving up my weekly buffalo burger at Bert and Ernies will be a sacrifice, no doubt.

I have also been inspired by several people who are taking the time to write letters for each of the 40 days to someone in their life that has made a difference.  I'm giving serious thought to that one, but need to decide today.  I love the idea!

And what am I adding in? 

Daily mediation and a better prayer practice!  Duh~!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Growing pangs

For me.  The Mama.  Who always knew that her children would grow up.  Who has always shed easy tears about that fact.  Who takes pleasure in watching them grow, but saddens at the thought.  Who has very much learned in the past few years what the term 'bittersweet' means in regard to this subject! 

For the past 9 years, I've watched my oldest grow in an enviornment that has been sweet, and rewarding.  For a majority of those years, and days, and hours they hold, I've had the privilege of sending her off to our beloved Catholic school, where we have found a village that is so amazing and wonderful.  And I was so fortunate to see, yet again, the fruit of the education we chose for her.

Today she was initiated, so to speak, and given special privilege within our church...she was one of several 8th graders that placed ashes onto foreheads during the service today.  From this day on, she will also be a Eucharistic Minister, both at the school and at the church!  A rite of passage. 

I hadn't expected it today...I had sort of forgotten. 

And then, I saw her up there, preparing.

And of course, all I could see was my little girl, big blue eyes, round cheeked and dimpled...taking part in her first mass all those years ago in First Grade.  Probably struggling to read her lines a bit, beaming ear to ear about the fact that she was finally able, at that time, to take on a 'big kid' privilege. 

Yup, I cried.  Well...I did my best to let the tears silently come.  Had to squeeze my knees together, clasp my hands really hard, and bite my lip.  (So as not to have an 'ugly cry')  ;-)
(I knew this was coming...there will be lots of tears for the next few months during all of the graduation ceremonies, retreats, etc!)

Her eyes met mine, and I could read it all in them.  Sometimes she gives a half smile, and there's something about her look that says, "O no, hear she goes again...she's gonna cry...STOP mom!"  But not today.  There was a bit of compassion, a knowing that this was coming, and understanding and OK-ness.  Still a 1/2 smile!

I am thankful, so thankful, that this school has given her such confidence and pride.  I have always said that having the little ones see the big ones leading mass, and singing, and speaking helps so much with the confidence to be in front of a crowd.  These children have no problem being placed in front of a church full, or a gym full, and doing their thing.  It's really an amazing gift.

Next year, she'll be off to a public high school, my alma mater.  I'm thrilled for her to be spreading her wings and trying something different.  She is SO ready for this step! But after today, I had a sense of sadness that she'll be leaving this village behind.  No more saying grace with her whole class.  No more assemblies on Monday mornings, praying and singing blessings over people.  No more weekly mass in the little church that has seen her grow up, sitting with a younger prayer partner.

Now, she'll get to see just where that foundation will take her.  Spread her wings.  Fly.

I'm so excited for her!  It will be so fun for her!

But I'm a  little sad, too.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Hah!  It's only what...March??  Yes...that little sign posted on my monitor has yet to be very helpful in getting me to blog every day...

But I can't really say too much has happened. 

My busy, charmed life...truckin' along, as always!  We've been crazy with organized sports, and ski weekends at the cabin.  Travel basketball for Amelia has been an interesting, new thing for us!  We've enjoyed it, gotta say!

Work continues on the kitchen.  I can't remember if I've blogged or not that starting on October, 15th or thereabouts, we've been without a kitchen.  Due to a flood...and nearly 9 months of negotiations with Insurance...then a contractor not ready to really start...yes, it's been that long!  And it's been relatively easy, but I'm sick and tired of being displaced.  It's tough cooking in the laundry room!  So, there's been A LOT of eating out...A LOT! 

But I'm proud to say I've lost about 27 lbs, even with all of that eating out...

My 40th is comin' at me like a freight train on June 11th.  And I'm bound and determined to have all of my baby weight (hahaha) off by then.  The baby will be 7 on June 4th.  I think it's time! :o)  So...about 33 more to go and I'll be there.  A new body, and hopefully, a new kitchen for birthday gifts!  I'm SOOO looking forward to both of those things! 

It's going to be a great year!  I've been trying to figure out a 'bucket list' of things I want to accomplish in my 40th year, but then I realized that technically, I'm in my 40th year right now, and after my birthday, I'll be in my 41st year.  Does that matter?  I guess not. 

Top of the list is losing my weight.

Next was some surgery to remedy a saggy tummy and the big hoo ha's...but both seem to be getting taken care of with the weight I'll wait on that until the weight is all gone to see what I look like at that point. 

3rd...a month in my beloved Nantucket...happening this summer!  Yippee!  I can't WAIT to take the kiddos there!  I get some time at the beginning with girlfriends, then Tony and the kiddos will join me for the rest of the time.

4th...Jewelry business up and going...I recently decided to reintroduce actual work days into my calendar.  I did this last year, and it worked out great...until I got sidelined with other responsibilities...and this kitchen thing...which has had tendencies to throw everything and everyone off their game in this house!  But...I am recommitted.  2011 IS the year! 

There's so much more...I'll get to it later...

Suffice to say I trust I am on the right path...So happy to be exactly where I am, and thrilled to know that as I look back over the past 5 has unfolded in a way that I always dreamed it would...  It's great to have an understanding about my place in the Universe, to have a light heart and spirit, to no longer be sleep walking through my life, to be unattached to outcomes, to not have to be right all the time anymore (although my children challenge me on this one often)!... much, so good about it!  Bring it on!