Monday, January 30, 2012

Just bee happy

Isn't it funny, how you can be going along in life, practicing to be your highest self, and something...or someone...comes along to really challenge you?  To make you *truly* put into practice what you know you're supposed to be doing or how you're supposed to be acting?

And how sometimes, that person or situation shows up at precisely a time when you need it most?

I saunter through life a pretty gracious person.  Due to circumstances several years ago, it was forced upon me to choose who I truly wanted to be.  I mean, really think about it, really face the music.  Most people don't get that chance in life.  And I really, truly am grateful I did.

So it's interesting to me when a 'reminder' from that time in my life comes along and challenges me all over again.  I find it really intriguing that the bigger part of me is fine, in fact, almost non-reactive about the reminder.  But then there's this little *worldly*part of me that goes, "No, you SHOULD be *angry*sad*whatever* when put in this situation.  You SHOULD re-live the drama, and make the person next to you re-live the drama, and you SHOULD definitely NOT let it go!" I definitely don't want to believe that the Universe orchestrated it, or that it's showing up 'for a reason.'

But...alas...I know better.  I know that there are no coincidences.  I know that everything and everyone that shows up in our lives is there for a reason...and that reason is to learn, grow, know the essence of God.

Which is what makes it interesting to me. 

We are not dictated by our experiences, we are dictated by our responses.  We get to choose to be happy.  We get to choose how we respond.  And that's really pretty cool.  This self realization could change the world, if only we could take ourselves out of the center of our own Universes. 

Meh.  Now I'm waxing philosophical.

Go for it!  Just be happy!  Make the choice to just be happy!

I'm off to look in a mirror and say this to myself.

love, C

I (mostly) love Mondays!

What are Monday's like for you?

For me, Monday is the day to re-group my family.  I do the master calendar, the menu for the week, the grocery list.  I tackle the pile of laundry, get the house in order and make my to-do list for the week.  I coordinate schedules, driving schedules, school projects and Dr. Appointments. Somewhere in there I throw in about a million other tasks, but the main focus is getting us all set for the week ahead!

So, when my children have a Monday off, it throws ME off.

And it happened twice in January...the last two.

Needless to say, I am SUPER excited about getting a Monday back! Tuesdays just aren't the same. I can't quite get my poop in a group on a Tuesday.  I mean, we manage.  I do it all as I would a Monday, but it's just not with the same energy and enthusiasm...and it means what's supposed to get done on a Tuesday...doesn't.

Welcome back, Monday!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy 2012!

Welcome to a New Year...

I just love the rejuvenation this time of year can bring.  I also enjoy September as a time to get back to goal setting and restructuring, but with 4 growing kiddos, it doesn't happen as well as it used to!  Fall is SUCH a busy time when you have a 14, 12, 10 and 7 year old.  And it always seems that there is a bunch more going on.  Add that to trying to get back in the groove from a summer mentality, and you have a recipe for not-so-much-success!

So, onto January.

Honestly, I think I've waited for this all Fall.

I plan on 2012 to bring SO MANY things to me! 

I'm fairly ambitous in my goal setting this year.  I'm trying to be more specific about each of them.  I read somewhere that it's not enough to just say you're going to lose weight, or exercise more...that you have to tell yourself how much, and how, really be successful.

Yes, these are both on my list!  Having lost 40 last Winter, (and then gaining about 10 of it back all Summer and Fall) I can be proud...but I have about 30 to go...and I will do it!

I plan to be letting go of some long needed to let go of things.  Say "no" more.  Say "yes" less.

After experiencing yet another less-than-fulfilling holiday season because of so many committments...I'm ready to get back to basics.

What/Who really matters most.

Activities that make me happy.

Making time in my life to do the 'little extras' I used to do for my family instead of letting them fall into the "maybe-if-I-have-time-after-I-do-this-other-stuff" pile.  There was WAY too much of that this Fall!

In the end, I do believe it's so important to contribute to my children's school, and to various civic organizations.  But not at the detriment of my family.  It is not possible for me to do it all...and do it all well.  This year, I'm going to choose to do fewer things...and do them well...and choose to do those things that make me smile in my heart. 

I realized this past weekend that it is easy to say that an activity I'm doing for the school 'only takes 12 or so volunteer hours,' but in actuality, it is always on my brain...therefore, it takes countless hours from me!  And it muddles and clouds and contributes to a long list of muddling and clouding that is filled with things that I don't love, love, love to do!

For someone like me, it takes baby steps.  Baby steps are a theme in my life.  I've been talking and taking various baby steps for the past few years now. 2012 is year for me to let go of my security blankets and step into my life as I want to be living it! 

My girls gave me this for Christmas:

I think it's true.

And I'm inspired by what Oprah has to say about Stepping into the Light and reconnecting with what makes you feel happy and makes you feel good.

May you feel powerful and inspired in 2012!