Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Sacrificial Buffalo Burger

When I grew up, the Lenten season was all about sacrifice.  Every day we fasted, which meant meat only once a day, and small meals.  Our family didn't eat meat on Fridays year round already, but Fridays during Lent were a treat, because after doing the Stations of the Cross, we generally got to go out for dinner, usually to Burger King for a fish sandwich, or to Skippers, for fish and chips! We also went to church and did devotions on Wednesdays during Lent, and also on Sunday nights.  It was a lot of church!  :-)

We also individually each gave up something.  Sometimes, we did it as a family.  One year, we gave up Television, and it didn't reappear for several years!  Most of the time I gave up candy, or chocolate...typical kid things to 'sacrifice.'

As I entered Adulthood, I really took on the notion that I didn't like the 'giving up' idea, but instead, adding something in.  Most of the time it was adding in more prayer.  Sometimes adding in more vegetables.  (Hah!) 

This year, I've decided that giving something up really does have some substance.  Perhaps it's a popular thing to do because it really works.  In fact, I think that it really does make more sense that in giving something up, you are challenged to redirect your thoughts more often! And isn't that part of what Lent is all about?  Returning our thoughts to God?

As a family, we're giving up soda.  There has been far too much soda consumption going on with the absence of a kitchen and more eating out.  It used to be a treat, but it's become the norm, only because we are in restaurants more, which also used to be a treat, but has become the norm!  (Will be soo nice to have a kitchen again)! I also talked to the kiddos on the way to school this morning about spending a few minutes in family prayer before we head out the door in the morning. 
I started doing individual blessings upon each of them in the morning, right before they get out of the car to go into the school, about a month ago.  Yesterday, they were in a hurry and I almost forgot, but Rafe stuck his head in front of me and said, "God bless you, Mama!"  And it reminded me!  (So stinkin' cute, that one)!

I am giving up using bad words when I'm angry.  Not terrible about it, but need to be better.  Especially when I hear my sweet child say something when she's angry that doesn't make me particularly pround :)

I'm also giving up meat.  Turning to a more vegetarian diet, which is much easier with the sun shining and spring in the air, by the way! This was a decision I normally would've taken more time with, but I decided, what the heck?  I eat non-meat meals quite often, anyway.  It's not a big deal.  I've been inspired by others I know who are doing similar things...and I'm excited to see how my body will respond!  Giving up my weekly buffalo burger at Bert and Ernies will be a sacrifice, no doubt.

I have also been inspired by several people who are taking the time to write letters for each of the 40 days to someone in their life that has made a difference.  I'm giving serious thought to that one, but need to decide today.  I love the idea!

And what am I adding in? 

Daily mediation and a better prayer practice!  Duh~!

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