Friday, November 26, 2010


Another fabulous turkey day with the extended family.

I gained 2 pounds on the scale this morning, and have no idea how.  I'm totally serious!  I was a good girl yesterday...loaded up on a ton of raw veggies, and very little of the feast (my husband was behind me in line and thought I was dishing up one of the boys' plates)...just a sliver of pumpkin pie.  I did up my workout yesterday and my legs are killing me, so maybe my muscles decided to hold onto 2 lbs of water?? Don't know, and am trying not to care, because I KNOW I was good in all areas yesterday...I mean, I worked out on Thanksgiving Day!

My oldest daughter's post on FB this morning was precious, and perhaps very much along the lines of what I would say.  Thankful for a long list of blessings, including her fantastic family, beautiful friends, a fun day with family, a yummy feast...and the following, which really impressed me most...those who are in our lives to teach us lessons, and the ability to 'feel free to be me'...which was so awesome of her to say.  Thanks, Miss O~!  Pretty amazing stuff to say from a 13 year old...

I'd like to thank the Marketing Gods (MG) for trying to rope my tweens into the "Black Friday Farce" this year! 

We were in Target a few days ago, and daughter Amelia spotted a sweater and said, "But I'll wait 'til Black Friday, because it will be on sale."  (Let me say, she has never in her short life, seen her mama take part of the debacle!) Led us into a great discussion about how that's not typically how it works, and everything you (think) you want will STILL BE ON SALE until Christmas!~  and available!  Plus...that sweater probably won't even be on sale.
Aside from the 4 washing machines, 10 TV's, and "limited" stack of DVD/Blue Ray players that a chosen few will get, the MG would have you believe that you will be missing out on some great deal that will actually still be there next Monday.  The one good ad I did see was from Bed, Bath and Beyond...20% off your entire purchase between 5 and 10 a.m.  and I gotta admit, that's pretty awesome.  Don't need anything from there...but it was good.  Also, Michaels is doing it, as well...and I may swing by there, because all Fall decor is 90% off, and with another 25% It would be great to stock the coiffers of our Fall Fundraiser Decorating Stash for so little money.  IF there's anything left!  Which I imagine there will be, because there was still a lot there last week, and most everyone has moved onto Christmas!

When I was younger, we did venture out on Black Friday...for lunch, and a bit of shopping.  An experience to be had, for sure.  More about hanging out with my sisters home from college, looking at decorations...we didn't have the money or the inclination to do a ton of shopping.  But generally, we just had fun and enjoyed the crowds and the holiday spirit.  Maybe that's something I can see happening with my girls as they get older.  But NEVER the crazy, get up in the middle of the night, push and shove insanity. 
As an adult with a family, I've always started the decorating for Christmas on this day...and finished up by Sunday.  This year, I started Tuesday because I'm leaving tomorrow for a birthday celebration...but I didn't get far...I'll try to today, along with getting my family ready for me to be gone! My to-do list is long.  Better go get at it so we can enjoy our day!

Happy Thanksgiving weekend! 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


but first...what a crackup Rafe is...
I hopped out of the car to run in and get some dinner to take to Olivia at play practice...I told the boys I'd be right back...and it was pretty quick!  When I got back in the car, Rafe goes, "Mom~!  You said you were gonna be pretty quick and you really WERE pretty quick!"  Apparently, he's catching onto the fact that "Just a minute" or "Just a sec" doesn't really mean either of those things!

Tragic week here in my town.  Three young boys lost both their parents in a very sad situation.  I haven't been able to stop thinking about them.  What must be going through their heads? What would it be like to have both of your parents ripped from you like that?  Thinking that when your Mom cooked you dinner that night, it was the last time she would, but you didn't know it would be, or you would've enjoyed it a lot more. 
Or realizing that when your Dad took you out to shoot some hoops every day it just seemed so routine at the time, but now you'll never get to do it again...and you want to.  And you're left without at least one parent to console you through the loss of the other, left without the two people who knew you best and loved you most.

I must, must remember to be more thankful at all times, in every moment.  And take comfort in the seemingly mundane actions I do every day for my kiddos.  Wag more, Bark my own family.


Monday, October 18, 2010

for the love of pete...

I have no idea where that saying came from, but there it is!  Again...3 months from last post!  Holy moly...ah well, I'll take it in stride!

Life is busy with 4 kiddos and lots of activities!  We jumped right into Fall with it all...gets tougher as they get older...I'd always heard it and never quite believed it, but it's true!  Another friend said to me the other day that when the kidlets are little, your busy-ness is within your home...all right there.  As they get older, the busy-ness is across town, spread far and the car, here and there, dinner on the go (I swore up and down i'd never be THAT mom or THAT family) crazy busy.  Sometimes doing homework well into bedtimes, and having absolutely no down time.  Oh well!  That's life with kids!  When I start to wish for another, I spend about a minute in that lala land, and then come back to reality.  Life with a baby is difficult enough, let alone doing it with 4 older kiddos and attending to their needs!

On top of it, I had two events within a week of each other the end of September and beginning of the big fundraiser for our school, and the other, a 40th anniversary celebration for Montana State Special Olympics.  Both were successful, and fun.  I of course poured much more into our school, as did the whole team of spectacular women, and we netted more than ever!  First year was 19,000...second year was 29,000...and this year...42,000!  CRAZY proud of ourselves!  Believe me...we need it...our tuition doesn't nearly cover what the cost is to educate our children, so we do these things to make up for it.  God blessed us greatly!  The event gets better every year...and I'm not saying that because I'm biased!

Now, I'm settling into being home all alone...Rafe is in Full Day, now...loving every minute of it.  His teacher says she loves having him in class because he is a great listener and never needs to be told twice...and because he is a leader in the class, other kiddos look up to him, and copy his behavior! What a nice thing to hear about him...our little clown at home is full of responsibility at school...that's pretty cool!  I'm finding out there is a lot of drawing happening in Full Day Kindergarten.  He did 1/2 day last year, and that teacher really had to keep them on task...when the kids enter 1st grade, the teacher cannot tell the difference between the 1/2 day and full day...(we sent him onto full day because he's a June baby) soo...lots of drawings coming home!  Lots of play time, too!  And that's OK.  Ah,, I miss him...I was wondering what it would be like when the fundraisers were over and life settled down...

And then our kitchen got torn down last week!  So organizing that has kept me busy!  Setting up a new kitchen in the basement was not what I wanted to spend time doing, so it took me a good week to get it done.  Now I'm doing cooking right next to the washing machine...which isn't ideal...but I WILL NOT COMPLAIN as I am getting a new kitchen out of the dealio, and insurance is helping with a great deal of it.  Still, it isn't what I would've chosen to do at this time.  Oh well.  I WILL NOT COMPLAIN!  :-)

buh bye!

Monday, July 26, 2010


Yesterday, Rafe said to me, "Are you going to get a job soon?"  When he saw my look, he followed it up with, "...because I'm going to be at school all day now, are you going to get a job?"

Gabe...older, wiser brother...(or maybe, poor kid, has heard me complain enough!) "She DOES have a job!  Cooking, doing laundry and cleaning are part of her job!"  And then, a bit quieter, with a half grin, "Geeeeeeez, Rafe!"

Just cracked me up!

Monday, July 19, 2010

summer days

My favorite days of summer (now few and far between with 4 busy kiddos) are the days when we all just get to hang out.  No where to be.  No where to go.  No agenda.  Everyone relaxed.

Unfortunately, it just really doesn't happen anymore.  We might get a day here or there, but with nearly every week taken up with a camp for one of the kiddos, it just kind of throws off the schedule.  Well, there's really no schedule.  We did have several blissful years of "No School!  Now it's Summer!  Time to do NOTHING!"  i.e. lovely routines of relaxing mornings, segueing into having time together doing a craft, picnic-ing in the park every day for lunch, home for nappies, up for playtime and a lemonade stand, wait for daddy to get home...bbq-ing and just sitting on the front porch watching and playing with the kids.  Maybe a playdate here or there. 

For years I would put up a "Summer Calendar" with something we were going to do every day.  Maybe it was a special treat to make, or a craft to work on.  We just lived for summer.

I guess we still -sort of- do.  It's nice to have a break from homework and early mornings and being on the go-go-go.  It just seems that the line is not so clear anymore between School time and Summer break.  Last week was our first full week home of summer yet!  First week out...traveled to graduations.  Second week...traveled to Billings.  Third sister came home with her family, and we went to the mountains.  Fourth week...went to our family reunion in Lewistown.  Fifth week...traveled to Glasgow for my Aunt Helen's funeral...and last week...settled into being home and around each other and being "bored!"  (The kiddos...NOT ME!) Now we have 2 1/2 weeks home before we go on vacation.  Not quite enough time to really get into a summer routine.  (BTW, we're filled up with camps, anyhow...)  And when we get back...only 10 days until school starts.

Wah...makes me want to cry.

Because I guess even though it's not as much downtime as we used to have, I still would rather have Summer than School! 

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 2 of my Cleanse

Hubby and I decided to do a cleanse this week...

The original intent was to do a water fast yesterday...and move onto fruits and veggies for the rest of the week.  Well...he was starving by last night, so he went onto fruits/veggies today...I was feeling so good, I decided to continue the water/tea fast through today...

Why did we do this, you might ask?  I've always been a firm believer in taking a break from our need to eat...cleanse the body...reboot, so to speak.  But...haven't done it since long, long ago.   Well, actually, I had a 12 day fast imposed on me 4 years ago, for reasons I won't go into...I was emotionally drained, and things came to a head...and I just didn't touch a bite for 12 days.  (I was surprised not to have had one "blood sugar" issue, because usually, I miss a feeding and I'm screaming "My blood sugar is dropping!  AAACK!")
What I came to discover is when we are not focused on food, but on something else that is filling our thoughts and emotional just doesn't matter.  I screwed up and told myself that I must not eat in times of extreme emotional duress, having never experienced what I was experiencing...and found out that just wasn't true 3 months later when another crisis came along!  (And I slowly gained back the 20 pounds I had lost telling myself "I deserved it." That crisis, however, didn't consume me as the first had.) point is...I have enough extra weight on my body to gestate several very healthy babies should I want too.  Living without food isn't going to kill me anytime soon.

Meanwhile, I feel good...not hungry...and it's actually enjoyable not to have to think about what I want/need/have to eat.  I know it probably sounds weird.  But I think I will continue with it tomorrow, as well...then ease back into eating with fruits and vegetables for the rest of the week.  Then...continue on a mostly plant based diet for awhile.  I'm not totally sure about the dairy thing quite yet...I love cheese way too much, I think, to give it up completely.  Meat will always be an option for me, as well as fish. 
I'm not an extremist, y'all!  :-)

I am thinking about doing a 30 day juice fast the month of September.

Considering that is the month we break ground on the new kitchen and also the month my baby goes to school full time...I may be filling my face with french fries and full-fat lattes, instead...

But I think not!  I AM going to get into a better place healthwise this summer...I AM, I AM!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Tender hearted me

I'm feeling very tender hearted today. 

Actually, I have been for a bit over several days, now.

My lovely Aunt Helen passed away suddenly last Saturday, July 3rd.   Though she was 83 years old, it's still difficult to say good-bye to someone so well loved, so generous, so kind...I know her children and grandchildren are grieving terribly.  How fortunate for them to have had someone like that in their lives.  For me, I had remembered always feeling special in her presence.  Not a surprise then to find out that everyone that spoke at her vigil service and funeral shared the same sentiments!  I The stories were wonderful.  Seeing my cousins that I rarely see was precious to me, though it was a time of sadness.  An amazing gift was having just reconnected with several of them in Southern California on our trip to Disney back in December.  Aunt Helen, three of her children, and 3 of her grandchildren met us at Knott's berry farm.  The young cousins connected instantaneously; it was a joy to witness!  Aunt Helen was a trooper following us all around the park, determined to not miss out on seeing her grandkids and great neices and nephews making a connection.  In fact, several times I turned to speak to her and noticed tears in her eyes...she was so genuinely thrilled for us all to be together.  She really cherished family.  I told my husband on the way home yesterday that it truly was amazing that we were able to make those connections several months ago...making showing up and grieving together on Thursday so much easier...I know she was looking at us, from wherever she is, smiling, seeing us all together.  I think she might have smiled, too, at the funeral mass...Rafe is generally pretty active at church...behaving, but rarely sitting still!  I really didn't have the energy, though, at this time, so I leaned over to him, and he heard the tears in my voice and saw them in my eyes.  And I very sincerely asked if he would please, please be good, because I was saying goodbye to my very special Aunt.  And you know what?  He didn't move a muscle, except to be right near me the whole time.  It was darling.)

Then yesterday, before we left Glasgow, we stopped in to see my 97 year old Grandmother.  She is in pretty good shape, physically, but has quite severe dementia...which means it's been several years since she's recognized us.  When we got there, she was napping on a sofa in the foyer...and had been for hours.  Finally a nurse roused her.  I knew she would be thrilled to see the kids, and sure enough...she was.  I know it's always awkward for children to go into a nursing home and see older people in various states of physical and mental abilities, but the kiddos were really great.  We had at least 5 rounds of big hugs.  She was quite quiet and didn't say much, but hugged back.  I tried to feed her a bit, but her appetite is really not there.  That coupled with the new development of lethargy is not a great sign, and I think this...along with having just lost my Aunt...made me really weepy and sad.  I was, however, given another precious gift...the time to be alone with her, hold her and cradle her for several minutes, then put her to bed for a nap and hold her hand for awhile.  As I helped her lie down, I said, "I love you, Grandma, so much!" And she said, "I love you so much, too."  This was incredibly sweet to me, because even though she didn't know me right then and was exchanged...and that's such a miracle.  And that's what I told the kids...what matters is that we were able to give her soo much love in a short amount of time.  All that loving energy really matters...whether we think someone knows who we are or not.

I had a good, long sob as we left Glasgow.  And on and off the whole way home.  Just feeling tender hearted, ya know?  Just melancholy.  (Such a Jane Austen, English-y sounding word!)  But it's true.  It's a perfect word for me.

So today, when we went to church, and we sang a song that was sung at my Aunt's funeral, I started to cry...and then I met Henry at the Church Directory photo sign ups.  (There are no coincidences!) He came in to sign up at the computer, and I assisted him.  When I asked him how many were in his party, he said, "Just me.  My wife passed away in October."  And I said, "Well, I'm feeling pretty tender today because I just lost my Aunt, so I might cry."  (smile**) And he started to tell me about her; that she was 87.  That he had spent the last several months of her life next to her in a hospital room as she succombed to Cancer.  That he really missed her.  That he lives in the same house.  That his daughter also went to Holy Spirit School.  Normally, I might have sort of listened and nodded, and offered my smiles and condolences.  But today, I was really present.  And reached out for his hand.  And listened intently.  And offered him a hug.  He squeezed me pretty hard, and said, "You must need a bit of this, too." And I said, "Absolutely!"  Another friend made along the way.

This is one of the miracles of our existence:  To be able to reach out to each other.  In love.  Helping one another on this journey.  If only for a few moments in time.  To fill another's cup with a bit of love and caring is one of life's precious gifts...whether it's for a stranger, or for your grandchildren, or for your neice. 

Maybe that's another reason I'm a bit tender hearted...feeling my cup runneth over this weekend with all the love we so often take for granted day to day.  It's a good reminder to stop and savor those moments.

Maybe this will work! ;-)

are you KIDDING ME? eek! yikes! omg! no way!

What I'm referring to is the fact that I am AGAIN sitting here, writing, disgusted that it's been so long since I've written! What's it going to take, exactly, for me to do this more often than once every 6 months?! I have no idea...and tho I will try my best to not dwell on all of the fun things that could've been written down here, I am sad I've taken so long. I need to get the blog more in my face...can I make it my homepage? I need to figure it out...

Anyhow, somewhere along the way I thought I'd change the name of the blog. I've been pondering it for awhile now...(sort of like the tattoo I really, really want, but am struggling with choosing)...and here it is...

3 chicks..3 chucks...

which, btw, I think could be a really cute name for a store, or a restaurant, etc...

I wanted something catchy...something that says who we are...

3 chicks (myself and the 2 girls)

3 chucks (my 3 boys...I sometimes call them "chuck" for a nickname..."Whatcha doin', Chuck?" Most of the time it's "lovey" but that wouldn't have sounded nearly as I call them all "lovey!")

So there you have it! I'm fairly certain there won't be anymore chicks or chucks being added to the bunch, but you never know. I rest easily knowing I can change the name of the blog with a few clicks on the keypad...

gotta be a bit more sure about the tattoo! ;)

Monday, January 4, 2010

what DO you do all day, anyway?

so yesterday in the car we're talking about how we had to go back to school/routines today, and my lovely almost-13 year old says, "you're so lucky, mom, you just get to hang out and stay in your pajamas!" i'm sure she saw the shock register on my face, because her next comment was, "well, but really, what do you DO all day anyway?"

i thought back to when i was her age and wondered the same thing about my own mom. and it only took me 25 years or so to finally know the answer...


you wake up to warm breakfasts and food in the kitchen,and when you're done eating, i clean up. you go to your closet and have your pick from the many outfits i wash for you every day...and yes, although you do make your bed, your fresh sheets would not be so fresh with out me, and btw, I am the one who wipes your toothpaste out of the sink and puts your straigtener away after it cools off! when you come home after school, the house is immaculate, and i know you notice, because on those rare occasions it isn't, you get all out of sorts. somehow dinner magically appears from the magically stocked cupboards and refrigerator, and i know you notice this, too, because on those rare occasions they aren't stocked, i get an earful from you! i know you love the decorating i do...every love coming home from school and seeing something signaling the beginning of fall, or halloween, or christmas, or easter...and i'm positive that although you sense i am involved at your school, you really have no idea that it takes a legion of mommies to make all the things happen there that you love so much...

someday you'll appreciate all that i did during the day so your evenings and weekends could be spent doing all the FUN stuff you get to do!

maybe i'll get lucky and it won't take you 25 years...

oh, and honey? just to let you know? i wouldn't have it any other way!