Friday, November 26, 2010


Another fabulous turkey day with the extended family.

I gained 2 pounds on the scale this morning, and have no idea how.  I'm totally serious!  I was a good girl yesterday...loaded up on a ton of raw veggies, and very little of the feast (my husband was behind me in line and thought I was dishing up one of the boys' plates)...just a sliver of pumpkin pie.  I did up my workout yesterday and my legs are killing me, so maybe my muscles decided to hold onto 2 lbs of water?? Don't know, and am trying not to care, because I KNOW I was good in all areas yesterday...I mean, I worked out on Thanksgiving Day!

My oldest daughter's post on FB this morning was precious, and perhaps very much along the lines of what I would say.  Thankful for a long list of blessings, including her fantastic family, beautiful friends, a fun day with family, a yummy feast...and the following, which really impressed me most...those who are in our lives to teach us lessons, and the ability to 'feel free to be me'...which was so awesome of her to say.  Thanks, Miss O~!  Pretty amazing stuff to say from a 13 year old...

I'd like to thank the Marketing Gods (MG) for trying to rope my tweens into the "Black Friday Farce" this year! 

We were in Target a few days ago, and daughter Amelia spotted a sweater and said, "But I'll wait 'til Black Friday, because it will be on sale."  (Let me say, she has never in her short life, seen her mama take part of the debacle!) Led us into a great discussion about how that's not typically how it works, and everything you (think) you want will STILL BE ON SALE until Christmas!~  and available!  Plus...that sweater probably won't even be on sale.
Aside from the 4 washing machines, 10 TV's, and "limited" stack of DVD/Blue Ray players that a chosen few will get, the MG would have you believe that you will be missing out on some great deal that will actually still be there next Monday.  The one good ad I did see was from Bed, Bath and Beyond...20% off your entire purchase between 5 and 10 a.m.  and I gotta admit, that's pretty awesome.  Don't need anything from there...but it was good.  Also, Michaels is doing it, as well...and I may swing by there, because all Fall decor is 90% off, and with another 25% It would be great to stock the coiffers of our Fall Fundraiser Decorating Stash for so little money.  IF there's anything left!  Which I imagine there will be, because there was still a lot there last week, and most everyone has moved onto Christmas!

When I was younger, we did venture out on Black Friday...for lunch, and a bit of shopping.  An experience to be had, for sure.  More about hanging out with my sisters home from college, looking at decorations...we didn't have the money or the inclination to do a ton of shopping.  But generally, we just had fun and enjoyed the crowds and the holiday spirit.  Maybe that's something I can see happening with my girls as they get older.  But NEVER the crazy, get up in the middle of the night, push and shove insanity. 
As an adult with a family, I've always started the decorating for Christmas on this day...and finished up by Sunday.  This year, I started Tuesday because I'm leaving tomorrow for a birthday celebration...but I didn't get far...I'll try to today, along with getting my family ready for me to be gone! My to-do list is long.  Better go get at it so we can enjoy our day!

Happy Thanksgiving weekend! 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


but first...what a crackup Rafe is...
I hopped out of the car to run in and get some dinner to take to Olivia at play practice...I told the boys I'd be right back...and it was pretty quick!  When I got back in the car, Rafe goes, "Mom~!  You said you were gonna be pretty quick and you really WERE pretty quick!"  Apparently, he's catching onto the fact that "Just a minute" or "Just a sec" doesn't really mean either of those things!

Tragic week here in my town.  Three young boys lost both their parents in a very sad situation.  I haven't been able to stop thinking about them.  What must be going through their heads? What would it be like to have both of your parents ripped from you like that?  Thinking that when your Mom cooked you dinner that night, it was the last time she would, but you didn't know it would be, or you would've enjoyed it a lot more. 
Or realizing that when your Dad took you out to shoot some hoops every day it just seemed so routine at the time, but now you'll never get to do it again...and you want to.  And you're left without at least one parent to console you through the loss of the other, left without the two people who knew you best and loved you most.

I must, must remember to be more thankful at all times, in every moment.  And take comfort in the seemingly mundane actions I do every day for my kiddos.  Wag more, Bark my own family.
