Tuesday, October 6, 2009

he broke my heart this morning

yep. this is the one. my lovey, snuggly, gives-me -tons -of -kisses 7 year old. but not this morning. see, he's a pretty laid back little guy, and we never have much of a problem with him being disagreeable. especially about clothing. but he can be funny that way. doesn't like buttons on the pants (too difficult), doesn't like jeans (too hard feeling), doesn't like collars (bug him around the neck), hates making the transition to short sleeves and shorts in the spring because he likes to feel warm, soft things against his skin. Doesn't like button downs because they are not warm and soft and even with a tshirt underneath, he can still feel them. and for some reason, he just doesn't like stripes. so, even though i am a very accommodating mommy and buy him only soft clothing with snaps and not buttons, i can sometimes make, shall we call them, mistakes in judgement...which, by the way, is easy to do with him, because he tends to be so laid back. ("what? he won't notice the stripes, anyway!") yes, you probably can make a pretty good guess by now...i bought him a cozy, soft, no button long sleeved shirt WITH STRIPES! i couldn't resist...sort of nautical...darling...TOTALLY thought he'd go for it because it would be soo soft he wouldn't care. boy, was i ever wrong! it started last night when i laid it out for him and he protested. "let's wait till morning," i said. then he came downstairs dressed in his little brother's shirt that was in the pile right next to his. totally gave me this look like, "what? this was the shirt sitting there..." batting his long eyelashes and pretending like his little bro's shirt wasn't a size or two too small on him...

the battle ensued. well, not really. i told him to switch out with his brother, who (wearing the stripey tee) said, "i thought this was too big for me..!" and then i told him that this was a character building moment. that sometimes you just gotta wear what your mommy tells you to wear. then he launched into tears and wailing and pleading and went to grab his jacket and said, "i'm wearing this ALL DAY LONG so NOBODY SEES THIS STOOOOOPID SHIRT!"

fine, then...now go get in the car!

he didn't speak to me all the way there, but i really never expected that i wouldn't get a good-bye kiss. it's a tradition, for crying out loud. you don't get out of the car without giving mommy a kiss. mommy doesn't feel right without it, and we've worked out a system. kiss mommy BEFORE you get out of the car so that nobody sees you and there's no embarrassment factor. (which was difficult enough for mommy to hear...) but this morning? he just glared at me and stomped off. i was horrified, and sad, and broken hearted, and now have been thinking all morning about when he is too big for any kisses and snuggles at all from me. i'm certain that day will be here sooner than later. and someday, he will leave me for another and well...i just cannot go there right now.

today when he gets home he's getting a big talking to. i'll tickle him and pin him down and MAKE him give me a kiss. that'll teach him! :) and i'll save the stripey shirt for when i need a punishment for some awful behavior...like getting out of the car without giving mommy a kiss.

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