I have no idea where that saying came from, but there it is! Again...3 months from last post! Holy moly...ah well, I'll take it in stride!
Life is busy with 4 kiddos and lots of activities! We jumped right into Fall with it all...gets tougher as they get older...I'd always heard it and never quite believed it, but it's true! Another friend said to me the other day that when the kidlets are little, your busy-ness is within your home...all right there. As they get older, the busy-ness is across town, spread far and wide...in the car, here and there, dinner on the go (I swore up and down i'd never be THAT mom or THAT family) crazy busy. Sometimes doing homework well into bedtimes, and having absolutely no down time. Oh well! That's life with kids! When I start to wish for another, I spend about a minute in that lala land, and then come back to reality. Life with a baby is difficult enough, let alone doing it with 4 older kiddos and attending to their needs!
On top of it, I had two events within a week of each other the end of September and beginning of October...one the big fundraiser for our school, and the other, a 40th anniversary celebration for Montana State Special Olympics. Both were successful, and fun. I of course poured much more into our school, as did the whole team of spectacular women, and we netted more than ever! First year was 19,000...second year was 29,000...and this year...42,000! CRAZY proud of ourselves! Believe me...we need it...our tuition doesn't nearly cover what the cost is to educate our children, so we do these things to make up for it. God blessed us greatly! The event gets better every year...and I'm not saying that because I'm biased!
Now, I'm settling into being home all alone...Rafe is in Full Day, now...loving every minute of it. His teacher says she loves having him in class because he is a great listener and never needs to be told twice...and because he is a leader in the class, other kiddos look up to him, and copy his behavior! What a nice thing to hear about him...our little clown at home is full of responsibility at school...that's pretty cool! I'm finding out there is a lot of drawing happening in Full Day Kindergarten. He did 1/2 day last year, and that teacher really had to keep them on task...when the kids enter 1st grade, the teacher cannot tell the difference between the 1/2 day and full day...(we sent him onto full day because he's a June baby) soo...lots of drawings coming home! Lots of play time, too! And that's OK. Ah, yeah...so, I miss him...I was wondering what it would be like when the fundraisers were over and life settled down...
And then our kitchen got torn down last week! So organizing that has kept me busy! Setting up a new kitchen in the basement was not what I wanted to spend time doing, so it took me a good week to get it done. Now I'm doing cooking right next to the washing machine...which isn't ideal...but I WILL NOT COMPLAIN as I am getting a new kitchen out of the dealio, and insurance is helping with a great deal of it. Still, it isn't what I would've chosen to do at this time. Oh well. I WILL NOT COMPLAIN! :-)
buh bye!